If your child has an illness, injury, or disease that requires surgery, a pediatric surgeon has the experience and qualifications to treat your child.

Surgical problems seen by pediatric surgeons are often quite different from those commonly seen by adult or general surgeons. Special training in pediatric surgery is important.


What Kind of Training Do Pediatric Surgeons Have?

Pediatric surgeons are medical doctors who have had

  • At least 4 years of medical school
  • Five additional years of general surgery
  • Two additional years of residency training in pediatric surgery
  • Certification by the American Board of Surgery

Pediatric surgeons treat children from the newborn stage through late adolescence. They choose to make pediatric care the core of their medical practice, and the unique nature of medical and surgical care of children is learned from advanced training and experience in practice.


What Types of Treatments Do Pediatric Surgeons Provide?

Pediatric surgeons diagnose, treat, and manage children’s surgical needs including:

  • Surgery for abnormalities of the groin in childhood and adolescence which include undescended testes, hernias, hydroceles and varicoceles
  • Surgical repair of birth defects
  • Serious injuries that require surgery (for example, liver lacerations, knife wounds, or gun shot wounds)
  • Diagnosis and surgical care of tumors
  • Transplantation operations
  • Endoscopic procedures (bronchoscopy, esophagogastroduodenoscopy, colonoscopy)
  • All other surgical procedures for children


Where Can I Find A Pediatric Surgeon?

Pediatric surgeons practice in a variety of medical institutions including children’s hospitals, university medical centers, and large community hospitals.


Pediatric Surgeons — The Best Care For Children

Children are not just small adults. They cannot always say what is bothering them. They cannot always answer medical questions, and are not always able to be patient and helpful during a medical examination. Pediatric surgeons know how to examine and treat children in a way that makes them relaxed and cooperative. In addition, pediatric surgeons use equipment and facilities specifically designed for children. Most pediatric surgical offices are arranged and decorated with children in mind. This includes the examination rooms and waiting rooms, which may have toys, videos, and reading materials for children. This helps create a comfortable and nonthreatening environment for your child.

If your pediatrician suggests that your child see a pediatric surgeon, you can be assured that he or she has the widest range of treatment options, the most extensive and complete training, and the greatest expertise in dealing with children and in treating surgical disorders.