Our Reviews

Halo selamat sore. Saya ingin berbagi pengalaman pengobatan saya di Rumah Sakit Amrita dari awal sampai akhir melalui LIVINWELL. Terima kasih banyak atas perhatian dan bantuannya selama kami berada di India, dari AWAL pengobatan, proses sebelum operasi, dan hingga saat ini. Terima kasih juga kepada Tim LIVINWELL

Teleconsult admin dan airport transfer

I would like to share my positive experience going for gall bladder operation in Amrita Hospital. At first I was very worry about the operation and the recovery, but LIVINWELL Team and medical staff here really supporting me and explain that all procedure clearly, making me feeling comfort and sure. After the operation, my recovery is well and very much expected. I am so grateful to LIVINWELL team who helps me to get the best doctor, best treatment form the proffesional specialist.

Gall Bladder removal

I know well Livinwelll-Care since 2017 when i went for Jaw Surgery in Seoul, South Korea. Me and my friend went there to do some beauty treatment. Livinwell-Care refer us to good hospital and clinic! Thanks Livinwell-Care.

King May
Cosmetic and plastic Surgery

I know the founder of Livinwell-Care since 2015 since i went for a beauty and wellness treatment in Seoul, South Kore, we were having the best treatment with DA Hospital plastic surgery doctor and we have the result we went. Thanks Livinwell-Care

Cosmetic and plastic Surgery