Dr. Indumati Joy has over 13+ years of experience in treating couples with fertility. She is well experienced in IVF procedures including oocyte retrieval and embryo transfers. She has experience in treating male fertility – Testicular biopsy, TESA and PESA for indicated severe male factor infertility patients. Dr Indumati also performs endoscopy – Diagnostic and Operative Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy and Fertility enhancing surgeries.
ISAR - Indian Society of Assissted Reproduction
TAPISAR - Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry Chapter of ISAR
FOGSI - Federation of OBGYN Society of India
IFS - Indian Fertility Society
IAGE - Indian Association of Gynaec Endoscopists
PCOS - Society of India
Paper Published
Published a review article on “Gestational Diabetics –Maternal and Fetal outcome “ in the journal of obstetrics and gynaecology in May 2010.
Presented a paper on “Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome” at GESI- Gynaec Endocrinological Society of India at the third Annual congress at Pune on 4th of May 2013.
Presented a paper on “ Proximal tubal occlusion in hydrosalpinx and the IVF outcome” in the KISAR chapter of the ISAR in 2013 in Mysore.
Presented a paper in ISAR in 2014 in Ahmedabad and a Poster in the RCOG congress 2014 held at Hyderabad.
The topic being” The outcome of the individualized GnRH Antagonist protocol with the fixed Antagonist protocol in IVF/ICSI/ET cycles. The above paper was published in the ISAR journal.
Published a case report on “Vulval lieomyoma” in Indian Journal of clininal Practices in September 2015.
Published case report on “ successful pregnancy outcome following Cryo Preservation of embryos in a patient with ovarian cancer” in 2015in IFFS.
Published a case report on “Pregnancy out come in a multi gravid with SLE and peripartum Cardiomyopathy”. In 2015 RCOG conference.
Presented a paper on “ Diagnostic Dilemmas in SLE patients during post partum period in RCOG conference in 2016.
Presented a paper on “A rare case of uterine varices encounted during caesarean section in RCOG conference 2016.
Co presented an oral presentation on dual trigger in IVF /ICSI cycles in ISAR 2016 in Indore.
Presented a paper on recurrent implantation fsilure and panel discussion on fertility enhancing surgeries in ISAR 2018 held in Mumbai.
Presented on optimization of IUI in the Erode chapter of TAPISAR in September 2019.
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