(Multi Speciality)
Established In : 1993
No of Beds : 5200
Address info :
Gazi Mustafa Kemal Bulvarı. No: 676 Mezitli - Mersin
The VM Medical Park Mersin Hospital is located in Mersin, Turkey. It was made in 1993. The VM in VM Medical Park Mersin Hospital stands for Value added Medicine. This means to add Value to medicinal care. VM Medical Park Mersin Hospital is the 31st hospital made by the MLPCare in Turkey. The VM Medical Park Mersin Hospital provides the best of care at the hands of experts. This hospital is locally and globally trusted to provide excellent care. Having the latest technology, the VM Medical Park Mersin Hospital ensures the best diagnostic facility. The VM Medical Park Mersin Hospital makes no compromise on selecting its staff. All doctors are well known in their fields of work. It has 6000 doctors with 14000 medical staff. It is a specialty center with 5200 beds and performs 17000 operations per year.
· MLPCare is ranked best internationally
· State-of-the-art facility
· Leading specialists and expert doctors
· 24 specialty departments
· Leading-edge technology
· Many diagnostic facilities available
· Private health insurance coverages
· Five-star hotel comfort in each patient room
· Personalized diet menu · Café VM
1. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
2. Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)
3. Gastric Bypass Surgery
4. Lung Cancer
In Vitro Fertilization is a procedure where a womans egg is fertilized with sperm outside the body. This leads to the formation of an embryo (baby at the cellular level). In Vitro Fertilization is done in a specialized and controlled environment. In Vitro Fertilization eliminates many fertility problems. These problems include aging, genetic disorders in the family, low sperm count, or poor quality of sperm. In vitro fertilization can also help to freeze embryos, in case a woman has cancer. The VM Medical Park Mersin Hospital has a well-established IVF center. This hospital is equipped with advanced technology. It has a specialized IVF team. Thus, success rates of IVF at the VM Medical Park Mersin Hospital are far more than many clinics of Europe and equal to that of the USA. Their specialists know how time-consuming and complicated the process of pregnancy can be. So it has a lot of supportive staff on board to help its patients.
Coronary Heart disease is a disease of the vessels of the heart. In this disease, the vessels may become stiff or fatty, which damages the heart itself. Older women and men of all ages are prone to develop this disease. The VM Medical Park Mersin Hospital has a cardiology polyclinic, coronary intensive care unit, and a cardiology lab to combat this disease. This lab performs non-therapeutic tests such as EKG, Echo, Holter monitoring, and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. The VM Medical Park Mersin Hospital makes sure all its patients are aware of symptoms of CHD. These include tiredness, high heartbeat, difficulty breathing, and chest pain. The VM Medical Park Mersin Hospital has many skilled surgeons. If a patient does not get better on medications, coronary bypass surgery, Open bypass surgery (conventional), Off-pump bypass surgery, or minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass may be done according to the medical conditions of the patient. These are all available at the VM Medical Park Mersin Hospital.
• GASTRIC BYPASS SURGERY Many patients are now battling obesity worldwide. Women above 30% of recommended body weight and men above 25% are known as obese. People who have bad eating habits, smoke, drink alcohol, or have family members with obesity are at high risk of developing obesity. It poses many risks to the patient, such as heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, stroke, and cancer. The VM Medical Park Mersin Hospital is a center of excellence for gastroenterology. This hospital is well equipped with specialists and advanced technology to help obese patients. Gastric bypass surgery helps the patient reduce stomach capacity and malabsorption. Patients who are obese for five years or more and between the ages of 20-60 can get this surgery. Dieticians at VM Medical Park Mersin Hospital prepare a custom diet to help the patient reduce weight. A physiotherapist helps patients to learn exercises they can easily do at home. This is only done after careful monitoring of a patients health status.
Lung cancer is a leading cause of deaths in the world. This cancer is caused by smoking, tuberculosis, aspergillosis, and genetic diseases. Lung cancer is of two types: small cell carcinoma and non-small cell carcinoma. Non-small cell carcinoma is more common and has better survival. Small cell carcinoma is more invasive, fast-growing, and so less curable. People with lung cancer present with long-standing coughs, bloody spit, chest pain, and weight loss. They may experience other symptoms as well. The VM Medical Park Mersin Hospital has leading-edge lab facilities to quicken diagnosis. Their experts make an accurate diagnosis using biopsy. Further tests like MRI and CT scan are available to stage the disease. Staging is done to see how far cancer has spread. The professional staff at VM Medical Park Mersin Hospital is trained to support such difficult times. They also use the latest guidelines to treat patients using chemotherapy and radiotherapy. They all are dedicated to putting patient’s comfort first. This is done by making cancer care better in Turkey with the latest drugs and technology.
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